It's no secret that fast food is bad for you, yet it continues to sell. Even if McDonalds were forced to tell you that a super-size value meal will account for about 75% of your daily caloric intake, while providing nothing in terms of nutritional value, do you think it would dent their sales one bit? People will continue to drive through, super-size it, sit on their asses and then wonder why they've put on 40 pounds. "But it's not my fault!" is the catchphrase of the day, nobody is willing to take responsibility for their own lives. If you go to McDonalds every day, you've got to notice when you've put on a few more pounds before it gets to the point that you're dangerously obese.
I'm not saying that fast food is completely without blame. Marketing any fast food product as healthy is akin to marketing cocaine as "Crack Light". But it seems every month or so, a new study revealing the dangerous chemical additives, growth hormones, or other health hazards associated with fast food makes it's way into the news. Anyone who is so oblivious to not see any of this posseses a dangerous amount of ignorance that should not be rewarded with million dollar lawsuit payoffs.