hey man. sounds rough. i don't know, man. you seem like a great guy and everything, but makin a move especially in the mall when she was still w/her bf? i don't deem that too wise, but if your gonna take the chance, you also have to be open to the fact that you may get rejected. btw. im not saying you WERE rejected, but seeing how you reacted w/all the depression and such w/how she reacted, i dont' think that you'd take it too well. anyhow, women are mysterious in their ways. im 18, and i've had 3. 7mths longest so far (this is a current relationship) and 1 rejection. and i still don't understand them for the most part. the reason why i don't think that makin a move was good when she was still w/him was cause obviously, she was still .. uh. connected to him and there's never a clean break; its ALWAYS messy. it makes it all the more harder for her. let it go, man. it'd be great if you can become the great friends you were before u guys became open with your true feelings (personally, when i breached the friend barrier and tried to get closer, i could never revert back.) but if you can, great. otherwise, let it go,man. it just seems that you are losing MORE sleep than she is over the situation, and if she isnt as taken back w/the situation at all, i don't think she's worth it. this is just what i gained from your story w/my past experiences. hope i've been of help. best of luck,man.