Originally posted by eltardo
And if you're just talking about not doing drugs in general, go preach to people who actually give a shit.
Apparently DARE does work!
Seriously though, WTF? How can people be so friggin' judgemental/hypocritical about what other adults choose to put in their own bodies?
Most of you came here via pr0n, right? Do you know how morally corrupt looking at pr0n is? What about you drinkers that are dissing the smokers? Go visit a drunk tank sometime and see what may become of you. Anyone gamble here? Ever cheat on your spouse or g/f or b/f?
And speaking of putting drugs in your bodies, you all never eat processed food like lunchmeat or hotdogs, 'cause they are full of a known cancer-causing agent. You don't drink milk from the grocery store, right? 'Cause you know that stuff is loaded with hormones (drugs).
And certainly there are no cigarette smokers here that would criticize a marijuana smoker, right?
Now, I know what your petty little defense is 'cause I've heard it a million times: But all your little vices *are not illegal.*
Ever go over the speed limit while driving? So you realize how dangerous that can be? Ever wonder why insurance costs so much for you under 25 y.o. male drivers? Because you maim & kill people with your cars more than anyone else.
Ahhh. I'm done now. I feel better.
Please put a sock in it, if you can't answer the question posed in the the thread or add helpful advice. You sound like little neo-conservative shrub-lovers.