Originally posted by yatzr
I'm surprised nobody's asked this yet (at least i didn't see it), but what toothpaste do you use? Also, is there a best order for brushing, flossing, and mouthwashing or does it matter? Thanks!
The simple questions always get overlooked. Then again, no one's asked about the real serious stuff either. (you can die from some simple dental infections...)
Anyways, you'll be surprised to know that in 4 years of dental school we spent probably a total of 3 minutes on toothpaste. It just doesn't matter as long as it has the fluoride. Your technique is much more important.
That being said, I use Listerine toothpaste. It's expensive (~$4.50 a tube) but I like the taste. The best order would be floss, brush, rinse so you dredge out the gunk, brush it away, then rinse for a clean start.