Originally posted by duckznutz
Evolution is a bit like these threads on the TFP . . they meander off course and then come back on topic . . . in a random and unpredictable way. . . . by your logic, a thread on 'Evolution' . . if it continued long enough, would 'eventually' touch on the topic of 'australian beaver cheese' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .but by my reckoning I suspect that no matter how long the thread runs . .it will stay roughly on topic, swerving off down the odd dead-end every now and again but never drifting too far . . NO MATTER how long the thread runs.
Youre right about this thread... it meanders off course until one of us puts it back on... and the ONLY reason we now would touch "austrailian beaver cheese", is because you DIRECTED us to that and not because of chance... (I never knew there was such a thing)