i'm going to step to the plate for christianity here, but it isn't going to fit well, because I am a theologian, and not a pure philosopher. First, I define religion as man's attempt to either experience the spiritual, or to relate to a god, whether that god be himself, or some other entity. To me, the definition of Christianity (honest to God biblical Christianity, not the watered down, man manipulated version) is Gods reaching to and relating to humans. I say this because christianity requires nothing but faith, faith in Jesus being who he said he was, and faith in his complete act of redemption. All of the rules you have heard about to this point are moot. you don't have to dress a special way, no one has to be an intermediary between you and God, and you don't have to give your money to anyone. Your relationship with God has nothing to do with your conduct, whether it be good or bad. It is all faith. Unfortunately, this goes against the grain completely with those who would use christianity as a means to control others, and actually have no love for anyone but themselves. I'd have to say for the great majority of everyone on the list, everything that they have heard about christianity is wrong. And you probably are saying at this point, well, dude, what makes you think you're right? Good question. I have studied this one long and hard, and when you read the new testament and really look at what Jesus was saying, it was much different than this old time religion that is being pushed on everyone. As for faith in Jesus being the only ticket, I believe that, but I don't say anything about that to people who believe something else. They will either see the love in my life and wonder where it comes from, or they won't, but I am not the judge, and I will not condemn.
"My give up, my give up." - Jar Jar Binks