Vietnam was miguided no doubt but I don't see how you can stretch that into a conspiracy of the Bush admin to kill 3000 Americans.
Um, and yeah, Kennedy / Johnson, um not Nixon Republicans. Besides, the Bush administration looks more like the Reagan admin than Nixon's.
I understand that alot of people can't stand Bush or any Republicans. I also understand alot of people hated Clinton and the Democrats. Me, I am an equal oppurtunity hater, I think they are all one in the same.
As for this economic conspiracy pablum that peopel bring up. Go take some Economics 101. The economy as a whole does not particularly care who is in office at the moment. Many government policies take years to actually show up in the economic numbers. Clinton was lucky he was President duringa prosperous time. The econlomy was already receding on it's own well before Bush took office. It may well be that Clinton benefitted from Reagan/Bush era policy enacted well before he took office.
I have a hard time believeing anything so sinsiter is goig on peopel. Don't let your political affiliations and partisan loyalty blind you.
edit: sorry mb grammar and spelling