Originally posted by Unknown Poster
Maybe if more people reacted the way that this guy did, these scumbags would think twice about trying score some "easy money" by sticking a place up.
Originally posted by hrdwareguy
Kudos to the owner, he was threatened as the crook had a gun. He protected himself. Chasing after someone is not protecting yourself.
This is very arguable.
What if a stray bullet hit children outside the store?
Now, what I
could agree with, really, is to charge him with some kind of endangerment IFF he was speeding and/or ignoring traffic laws. Even then, I'd not charge him with attacking the thieves, just with some kind of moving violation. Separate it into two issues: burglary and traffic violation.
That should satisfy almost everyone.
Yay, a combined reply! Now if only there was an automated way to do this. "If immediately previous post was from the same person, merge this and previous post."