I posted the list of children because I interpret you posting an occasional statement such as "I know the Palestinians suffer" as what you deeme as political correctness. IMO if you didnt feel the need to be concerned with such formalities you wouldnt. No none of these children were human shields, it almost sounds as if thats how you would have wanted to happen.
The reason for the links and pictures I mainly wanted to expose this statement for what it is. Theres a few million Jews that will disagree with you. Take this argument to them if you feel the need to convince someone.
And as far as the difference between Zionists and Jews, ALL Jews who are religious in any way (and all Jews were until less than 150 years ago) are Zionists.
As far as what you percieve as your ongoing version of history: Ive seen your sources, they are not credable. If you makes you feel better to type it out go ahead Im no longer listening. Dont get discouraged, there will be another thread that someone sees the things you say and disagree and you can once again get on your pulpit until they catch on.
To confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit.- Stephen Hawking