Originally posted by rockogre
My second thought was that with a wife and three daughters over 20 some odd years, logic is a stepchild that hides in the closet.
I sprayed my beer all over the monitor when I read that part. Was tempted to put it up as a sig, but that may be considered a little crass at this point
And women's logic isn't that hard to understand guys. I'm not being base or vulgar in my thinking either. I'm a guy, but with the example about the rain and shoes, is it
that much of a mental leap to think:
1) it's raining
2) I have 2 coats
3) one coat is blue
4) I have 2 blue dresses
5) one is appropriate for the occasion
6) I have no red dresses appropriate for the occasion
7) I have a blue purse and white hose
8) Where are my blue shoes to match?
the thing is that when you think about women's logic, you fail to understand the form of thought process that goes on is exactly like yours in many ways. this was proven most adequately with the tee time example. Golf being rather important to many men (especially my father), they see rain and think of how that rain will effect the important things in their life. Women do the same exact thing, but their difference is not in their thought process per se, but in what they put great store and value in. Until you understand things that they care about, you'll never understand their thinking.
I'm not married, and have been without a girlfriend for the last 6 months, and haven't really gone on more than a couple dates. But I did have a mother and older sister (18 months older ::shudder:: ) that drug me shopping every time they went out while i was young since my dad was either at work or (surprise!) on the golf course.