When lurkers etc are axed, is a record made of their email addresses? You need to give a valid email address to register so TFP does have one for everyone. Ok, most people now have two or three emails, and can get more online accounts, but it's hasslesome and time consuming. Thus, I have no idea whether this is implementable or not but my 2p:
Keep the charters going etc. Anyone who has been a lurker for a month, send them an automated email containing the policies, and subtly reminding them that their contributions are needed. If they are still a lurker after 2 months, send them another auto-email with the charters etc, and reminding them to post etc. 2 more weeks, then ax them, and blacklist the email address so they can't re-register with it. Thus, they will get 2.5 months of access per email address they are able to get, which really should be sufficiant to differentiate the lurkers from the bods who are really interested. Ok, not foolproof, but potentially a better system than we have now. Opinions?
Moo! I'm mooey!