Originally posted by Otaku
How much effort do you put into growing this foetus? 5 seconds maybe? The woman has the majority of the right to decide because she ultimately is the one who pays the price of the pregnancy. If you could bear children, then it would be your right.
First off I do not think amount of effort has anything to do with it at all. Secondaly as I stated in my first statement if she wanted to have it and then leave I would raise my own child. So she puts in 9 months of effort and I put in 18 years. Yet she is still putting in more? What it boils down to is amount of effort or not it is still just as much my child as hers. If I could bare some or all of the pain and work of child bearing I would. But I can't. That doesn't make the child less mine. This is a common mind set that has been going on for years both in this debate and others. This needs to change. It is NOT less my child just because it was inside her. Period. End of debate(this particular debate atleast) There is nothing you can say to convince me that this child is somehow less mine and I should therfore have less say on what happens to it. Either a month after conception or 5 years after its born. It is just as much mine as hers. I have just as much right to my child as she does. Sadly either by natures design or gods cruel joke woman have to do 100% of the child bearing process. However I had just as much in making that child as her. It is not less mine then hers. We both had a part. It was 50/50 that is true untill birth. Now after birth depending on what the parent does they may lose certain rights to their children. But that has nothing to do with this particular debate.
Meridae'n once played "death" at a game of chess that lasted for over two years. He finally beat death in a best 34 out of 67 match. At that time he could ask for any one thing and he could wish for the hope of all mankind... he looked death right in the eye and said ...
"I would like about three fiddy"