I've had the odd fling with musicals I've been involved with theater for the majority of my life so it's kinda hard to avoid and I like a lot of people started out on musicals. I think I love to love some of them as much as I love to hate some of them, I just gotta be in the right mood. I think saying you hate musicals outright is a pretty broad sweep. That's like saying you hate all disney movies and I'm pretty sure everyone like at least a one, personally I love all of the music in The Jungle Book. I think Baraka Guru also hits the nail on the head with Every Sperm is Sacred. Others that are up there for me are Caberet, Bugsy Malone, Singing in the Rain and West Side Story. All class. I should add though that I think Moulin Rouge was the most over rated peice of crap. Seriously I'd rather watch R.Kelly's 'hip-hopera', at least that's funny though I know it's probably not meant to be.
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Last edited by Mogwaithief; 07-28-2011 at 10:45 AM..