Hey floe206, I have a suggestion you may not have considered.
(Sorry if this has been mentioned before but I'm tired and can't be bothered to trawl)
Have you considered joining the military? Don't be put off by the thought of it. I'm guessing you're American, in which case you're in luck. Why don't you join one of the largest 'companies' in the world, with massive promotional possibility, job rewards, pretty good pay and benefits, make shit loads of buddies, see the whole damn world, contribute to your country and represent everything you hold dear?
You can literally do anything, you don't have to be a point-man. Look at apprenticeships in the air force for engineers. Navy weapons specialist. Logistics. Infantry. Tanks. Ships. Planes. Machinery. Animals. Protection. Attack. The possibilities are literally endless. Plus, it will look awesome on your CV, you will be a respected member of society eligible for all sorts of perks and discounts. I know you Americans really look after your 'vets'.
Think outside the box. Navy diver? Helicopter loadmaster? Tank engineer/repair? Air Traffic Control? None of these skills in this post require special qualifications. They will all give you transferrable skills in the civilian environment.
The military will make you a more rounded individual, teach you invaluable life skills, add to your CV and will show you things you couldn't imagine in everyday life.
Plus, you can study while you learn. I know in the UK, even as a fighter pilot you can study for a degree in anything you care to put your mind to. Just pick up anything that is offered to you, and you will leave the military 10x the person you are now.
I should work in recruitment right? And I'm not even American!!!
Good luck.