Originally Posted by dippin
If only American media had the balls to:
- point out how catastrophic this would be
- point out that the ceiling increase is in order to pay for the budget that the Republicans already passed
things might be different.
CNN just had some Tea B guy on. They asked him a bunch of questions none of which dealt with the fact that this is money the US already spent going to war and handing out tax cuts. The reporter tried to point out that tax rates are lower then they've been in 50 years or so and he avoided answering that point and went off on another "We spend more then we bring in" rant. Yeah, tell me something I don't know. He said spending more money then you bring in is just crazy. Which it is.. so is the idea that part of the solution shouldn't be to bring in more money. In 1980 the top tax rate for people earning over 250K was 70%. Today it's 35%. Cutting taxes and spending at the same time has been a big part of this problem. Shouting "Taxed Enough!" over and over after having been in favor of going to war(s) is just another form of the rights BS.