Across the globe, there is growing astonishment that the world's biggest economy is on the brink of a technical default because its elected leaders cannot hammer out a deal. Nouriel Roubini, the leading economics professor, said there was disbelief in China. "Biggest concern in meetings in Hong Kong: will the US default on its debt? Folks here are shocked by the dysfunctional US political system," he tweeted from Shanghai.
Debt crisis: Republicans scramble to rewrite plan following figures bungle | Business |
what i think eludes the sociopaths on the right above all is the profound damage done to the american empire by the bush administration, from the iraq war fiasco to the exploding of the housing bubble/derivatives trade (which blossomed under the aegis of american neo-liberal philosophy & it's pollyanna assumptions about markets and self-interests). what eludes the sociopaths on the right is the damage this theater of dysfunction is doing at a point of teetering weakness. but they don't care. all that matters is getting back into power. it's remarkable.