Of course, you should ask your pharmacist or doctor about side effects in conjunction with other meds. I now have my doctor growing borage, and feverfew. It seems people think 'its just a herb' and therefor assume it is safe - forgetting herbs and such have been used to poison. Few would knowingly and willingly partake of say foxglove (digitalis). Hey look, pretty poppy, must be okay as its from a plant.
Most doctors do not want to know about herbal medicines - it is outside their field of training, but they will monitor your mental state - dependent on your own honesty of course. I know some like seeing shrinks - the couple I have met - more harm than good. One had a high suicide rate - but thats good. If they dont come back, they are cured. The other had no listening skills and was just incompetent - as he caused people to suffer, like the first - how are they still working in the field is what beats me.
I dont use internet for herbs - I have my old herbals.