there are plenty of homeless cats and dogs for that matter. but homeless people can take care of the homeless pets. or maybe hunt them for food. homeless people forming tribes in the woods along side the interstate, hunting ferrel cats and dogs...sounds like "the hills have eyes"
why do taxes need to be thought of as this heinous punitive thing ? this forced handout to the lazy and well, the part of the herd that might as well be trimmed ?
why wouldn't you think of it as a yearly user fee for this cool club you get to live at ? a place with sweet roads and trains, nice parks, schools for your kids, you know, a cool place to be ? I mean this cool place you get to live doesn't stop at your driveway. it's just your door to the community, city state and country you get to live in. it was built mostly by previous generations who paid more "club fees" than we do now...
I love my city, I don't use alot of the parks, libraries or other public things I pay for in it but I'm glad it's there and I don't mind that I chip in on it.
now if I had alot more money I could afford the time to use and see alot more in my city.
why would you think you can shrink government while your population and economy is constantly growing ?
when you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.