Originally Posted by aceventura3
No what?
Obama stated that 8/2/11 was some kind of "drop dead" date. Obama stated that he was not going to fulfill his Constitutional obligation unless Congress acted. The only way Obama operates is through artificial crises. If Republicans are in his way, it is by his choice.
So Obama isn't letting the Republicans agree to raise the debt ceiling? Can you explain this to me? I'm not exactly well versed in the process.
It wasn't a crisis. It has never been a crisis. It won't be a crisis under the next administration. I doubt it would have been a crisis if Hilery Clinton or McCain won and was in the WH. The debt ceiling thing has always been a formality, once the votes are there, others have the opportunity to make their protest votes and speeches against the priorities set by the opposing party. It is amazing that polling results suggest that Republicans are responsible for this 8/2/11 all or the world ends proposition.
How many times has Obama saved us from the "brink"? I am sure he will do it again before 8/2/11. I have lost count.
I'm talking about the global economic crisis, ace.
Again, please inform me on why it's so difficult for the Republicans to agree to a formality. What is Obama doing to destroy them politically? Please explain this to me.