Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Well, let's stop dancing around the issue.
The idea of a debt ceiling is not even serious. Just because we have a debt ceiling or just because we restrict borrowing that does not mean that the nation stops incurring debt.
Think about the importance of that statement for a moment. When you do, it is easy to realize that this whole raising the debt ceiling issue is a manufactured one.
The simple answer is this:
The President of the US has the Constitutional obligation to pay the bills incurred by Congress. I did not use the words, option, privilege, right, I used the word obligation. In my view the President has no choice but to pay the nations bills, even if he has to print more currency to do it.
---------- Post added at 03:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Derwood
Rachel Maddow did a great segment on the debt ceiling last night. The crux of her argument was simple: this "crisis" is 100% artificially created byt the GOP, entirely for political reasons.
I said the same thing. Republicans are using this issue to push spending cuts and to implement spending controls. This has been the Tea Party agenda from the beginning. Nice to see MSNBC hosts getting up to speed.
This "crisis" goes away with a simple "yes" vote to raise the ceiling.
Obama and almost every sitting Democrat in office today voted against the last debt ceiling increase, saying it was irresponsible. What did she say about that? .....sounds of crickets chirping....

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 PM ----------
Originally Posted by dippin
I should know better to engage you on this, but in any case, you wildly overstate how much control government has over spending.
Yes, we know I see things in "black and white" and that most of you here don't. Trust me, I do understand the nature of what Washington has created and that the structure of many of the programs implemented over the past few hundred years are some what on automatic pilot. But, these things are correctable they can be controlled. We have options and choices.