Originally Posted by UnclearContent
I'm chubby, man! Reaching around the belly for an tiny toy pistol gives any craminel the opportunity to have his/her way with my wallet and my woman while I fiddle.
No, seriously... let's examine this:
1. Your belt line is the single fastest access area for your defensive sidearm. Period.
2. On top of being the fastest access area, the belt line is also easiest area to conceal.
3. Ankle holsters are really uncomfortable, print like crazy and are slow to access.
4. Let's say you've got a love handles: it makes it even easier to hide a J-frame at 4:00.
I'm speaking from experience. I have purchased and tried every type of concealed weapon holster from shoulder to ankle to pocket to straight homo fannypack to OWB to IWB to off body to girlfriend's purse. I have used a S&W J-frame in all of these areas. A good IWB from Bladetech is your ticket.