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Old 07-19-2011, 03:02 AM   #29 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Seaver View Post
What you see are the girls coming home who drank too much and the mess that results. What you don't see is the ton of fun it can be for the previous 4+ hours until they get to that point. They're immature as in they lack the experience necessary to know when to take the foot off the pedal.

In regards to sex, stop being judgmental. This may shock you but girls like to have sex just as much as guys do, and have the same raging hormones. Women are just now being given more leeway to actually *gasp* admit to anyone but themselves that these desires exist, and are actually integral to a healthy life.

At this point, as immature and inexperienced as they are... they are very likely in great mental health. A proper RA does not judge these girls in how they act, but try to give proper guidance on how to take the foot off the petal by 12am so they're not a mess by 2.

"Women are proomggressomging along a set path – high school, colomglege, gradomguomgate school/career, maromgriage, and then famomgily – and only worry about havomging fun while they are teenagers and twenomgtysomeomgthings. Maromgriage and famomgily now seem to be buromgdens to delay as long as posomgsiomgble rather than wonomgdrous joys. The irony of the sitomguomgaomgtion is that women have the greatomgest chance of attractomging a partomgner before the age of twenty-five, roughly when they are most attracomgtive. Biolomgogy, after all, is workomging against them. There is nothomging wrong with getomgting maromgried in colomglege or gradomguomgate school and waitomging to have chilomgdren, but this thought rarely crosses anyone’s mind."

"Femomgiomgnism made men pickomgier, and it also made pre-marital sex acceptomgable and comomgmon. Howomgever, we have now travomgeled to the oppoomgsite end of the specomgtrum. Men, by allowomging their base instincts to take over, have allowed women to degrade themomgselves rather than be treated respectomgfully. In the end, women sufomgfer because of the Madonna-Whore Comomgplex: men want to hook-up with these women, but no man would ever marry one of them. Evoomgluomgtion has taught men to value maromgiomgtal fidelity — from a bioomglogomgiomgcal standpoint, a man wants to be conomgfiomgdent that his chilomgdren are, well, his. No guy wants to have sex with the girl whom everyomgone in the bar has already done. I wonomgder how many women are now alone because of this senomgtiomgment, but I imagomgine that the Madonna-Whore line is difomgfiomgcult to tread."

EDIT: What the hell. No idea what happened to the quotes. Either way, all relevant points above were made in the link below.

Both quotes from:

I'll leave it up to you and anyone else reading this to make up their mind on this issue.

Last edited by Remixer; 07-19-2011 at 03:11 AM..
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