FYI, version 0.8.5.x2 is out, it corrected some bugs and added a few features.
For those interested in modding, Sunday Punch's parts pack 1.06 is out. He's added a heavy but efficient NERVA engine for upper stage use.
maltesh on Something Awful made this handy chart to help you get into orbit
If you're really good with throttle control, you can achieve single stage to orbit with stock parts using 4 liquid fuel tanks and a normal liquid engine, but you have to put a decoupler on the bottom of the stack due to a bug sticking heavy rockets into the launch pad. Otherwise, attach solid boosters to the side of a 3 tank liquid fuel stack, throttle up to max, ignite the liquid engine as soon as the boosters burn out, cut the engine when you hit about 40km, swing the rocket level with the horizon, coast out until your vertical velocity drops to almost 0, and use the chart to find how fast you need to go for orbit.