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Old 07-18-2011, 03:12 PM   #30 (permalink)
Location: bedford, tx
Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
I dont want to limit any legal citizens rights. I want to give the ATF the tools they need so they dont turn to reckless operations to attempt to stop (but botch) the flow of straw purchases.
as was said months ago, this wasn't reckless, this was felony stupid. The gun dealers KNEW these sales were shady and didn't want to proceed, but were encouraged to do so BY THE ATF!! how the hell does that law then not have enough teeth to stop it?

Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
Under what law can ATF build a case if they have reasonable suspicion and if the person in question signs a form indicating that the 60+ AK-47s are for personal use...and they dont track the weapons beyond that person?

Or what is wrong with having dealers report multiple sales of long arms in the same manner as hand guns?
From the article you posted below:

But court decisions have made this “straw buyer” charge difficult to prove and judges often don’t take it seriously. The issue has been highlighted in recent months by both U.S. Attorneys posted along the border and the Justice Department’s inspector general.
I'd like to see the actual decisions for this, but i'm going to assume that it's difficult to prove because you're not committing a real crime. Only the transfer itself would be a crime, and even THAT is questionable.

Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
So the testimony of, or concerns expressed by, the ATF agents is not relevant?

Or the concerns expressed by the ATF agents in this article...
Weak laws, paltry resources hinder gun trafficking probes, say ATF backers | iWatch News

...because you dont like the publisher?

But I should accept everything the NRA says?

It gets tiresome to hear that any law enforcement officials suggesting the need for stricter laws to address illegal trafficking lack credibility.
it's also getting tiring to see people refuse to acknowledge that these sales COULD have been stopped, but were encouraged to proceed anyway just so more laws could be made to further limit the peoples right to own guns.

and one more time, i'm not a NRA member, nor am I a fan. I've never said anyone should accept what the NRA says, in fact, they are about 4 months LATE for this whole scandal.
"no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."
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