Ok then, riddle me this.
If Operation Gunwalker really -was- an attempt to break up gunrunning rings:
1: Why was no effort made to track the guns after they transited into Mexico? We know from ATF whistleblowers that this was the case; they were told not to track or interdict the weapons, rather to wait for them to surface at crime scenes. In essence, to let the guns "walk" and then forget about them until someone was killed, which is exactly what happened.
2: Why were Mexican authorities, at every level, kept in the dark?
3: Why were ATF agents prevented from making arrests once the weapons were transferred to known cartel members?
So far, I have not seen any answer from any quarter which satisfactorily answers these questions.
As for Rep. Issa allegedly having briefed on this...give me a break. The only paper which has dared to run this, out of the entire statist, anti-gun media, has been the Wa. Post. There are no names associated with it, only the usual, useful "anonymous sources," who are directly contradicted by members of Rep. Issa's staff and various other Congressional personnel. Furthermore, are we -really- expected to believe that a Congressman who was at most tangentially connected to this operation was given a special briefing before the poject began, but the Diector of ATF -and- the Attorney General were totally ignorant of this project and only first heard of it a few weeks ago? The director of the Bureau and the country's chief LEO knew nothing but a mostly-unconnected Congressthingy got a full, special read-in? REALLY? How ruttin' stupid does the Post think we are?
As for the lack of laws to deal with gunrunning: horseshit. The technical term for it is "dealing firearms without a license." Selling or transferring guns for a living, or for a profit, even -one- gun, is legally defined as "dealing," for which ATF requires a license. Penalties run to multiple years in prison and tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Now, people don't typically -get- prosecuted for a few small deals, but a very effective mechanism exists for prosecuting and incarcerating gunrunners.
As for the Obama Regime not doing anything against guns...rank, stinking, blowfly-covered horseshit. Besides this colossal horror (and a sister operation out of Miami which was running guns to Honduras for MS-13), the Obama DoJ has repeatedly tried to illegally impose multiple-sale reporting requirements for rifles and shotguns, is pushing to ratify the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (the provisions of which would bankrupt and eliminate the vast majorit of firearms/ammunition mnufacturers and dealers), stop the sale of surplus military brass (spent shell casings) to the civilian/LEO market, and is deeply involved with that asshole Bloomberg and his Mayors Against Illegal Guns fraud. MAIG, by the way, is not only full of criminals (some convicted before joining, most after, and at a much higher rate than, say, CCW holders), but quite transparently wishes to apply NYC/CA standards when determining what guns should be "illegal"...which pretty much means all of them. They're also one of the biggest, loudest peddlers of the totally discredited lie that 70-90% of Mexican crime guns came from the US- even with ATF'S help the number has never been higher than 18%. Even the State Department acknowledges this, as we now know thanks to Wikileaks! This notion that Obama and his DoJ have not moved against gun-owners and gun rights is absolute nonsense.
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.
Last edited by The_Dunedan; 07-18-2011 at 07:31 AM..