Well, there's a great many reasons, including what many posters have indicated - they're merely doing exactly what college-aged men do as well. How's that for equality?
It does go a bit deeper than that, if you're looking for a purely sociological explanation. Following the "sexual revolution" of second-wave feminism, the bar swung a little wide, where women, who were previously shunned for being sexually active, became nearly mocked for not doing the same. The revolution was about the power of choice, but unfortunately many women have taken up the gauntlet of 'feminism' to merely became sexual objects (again) for men.
"What a woman was criticized for doing yesterday she is ridiculed for not doing today."
If you're looking for the particular timeline or the sociology involved in propagating these types of women, take a specific look at "raunch culture".. my favorite book is Ariel Levy's - Female Chauvinist Pigs.
From Amazon:
"Starred Review. What does sexy mean today? Levy, smartly expanding on reporting for an article in New York magazine, argues that the term is defined by a pervasive raunch culture wherein women make sex objects of other women and of ourselves. The voracious search for what's sexy, she writes, has reincarnated a day when Playboy Bunnies (and airbrushed and surgically altered nudity) epitomized female beauty. It has elevated porn above sexual pleasure. Most insidiously, it has usurped the keywords of the women's movement (liberation, empowerment) to serve as buzzwords for a female sexuality that denies passion (in all its forms) and embraces consumerism. To understand how this happened, Levy examines the women's movement, identifying the residue of divisive, unresolved issues about women's relationship to men and sex. The resulting raunch feminism, she writes, is a garbled attempt at continuing the work of the women's movement and asks, how is resurrecting every stereotype of female sexuality that feminism endeavored to banish good for women? Why is laboring to look like Pamela Anderson empowering? Levy's insightful reporting and analysis chill the hype of what's hot. It will create many aha! moments for readers who have been wondering how porn got to be pop and why feminism is such a dirty word."
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel