First off, I don't think your use of labels is accurate. There are tons of conservative folk who loooove government intrusion. In fact, the next time you hear about a gay marriage amendment being pushed, check the ideological persuasion of the person doing the pushing. Odds are, they'll be far from liberal. They'll likely self-identify as conservative.
On top of that there are a fair number of liberals who can't stand the government one bit. Some of them are left-anarchist types.
You might accuse me of being liberal. However, it is my belief that there are certain necessary tasks at which the market fails miserably. It is here where government must act. I also know that in order for communities to thrive, they must invest time and resources in themselves. This is the role of government.
I think that progressive taxation policies are easily justifiable under the idea that we should tax people proportional to their prosperity. It is stupid to think that this process will discourage people from seeking prosperity. No one ever turned down a raise because they didn't want to pay a marginally higher tax rate on all that extra money.
I also think that progressive taxation makes senses from a national self-preservation perspective, since apparently nations with high income inequality are typically unequal in many other ways and are more prone to social unrest. Rich people should want to pay more taxes because it is in their best interest to do so. If I were rich, I'd be happy to pay a higher tax rate. I'd be fine paying a higher tax rate now and I make barely above a livable wage.
I also think "conservative" policies that defund education are helping to hasten the steady decline of american prosperity.
I will acknowledge that the people running the government are frequently corrupt, contemptible and incompetent. I would also point out that so are the people in charge in the business community. I suspect the government might work better if we weren't so intent on electing people who suck at running the government.
Last edited by filtherton; 07-18-2011 at 03:32 AM..