I just read the book, dont know how it stacks up against the TV series and dont want to spoil anyone's viewing
I quite liked it, although the huge cast of characters can be a bit dizzying. I like how in most fantasy books there are very clear cut "good guys" and "evil lords and lesser races who follow them"... while the characters in this book are at least human and dont easily fall into categories of "good" and "bad"
That said, I utterly detest Catelyn Stark and her sister. The only two characters I could find nothing sympathetic in. Even the insipid Sansa, as much as she is annoying, is basically good hearted (and 12 years old to be fair to her)
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas
Last edited by Strange Famous; 07-17-2011 at 09:15 AM..