It makes me wonder though. Is it cool, at least, to make eye contact?
Well, speaking personaly, I prefer a gentleman look me in the eye than talk to my tits.
I came out of the supermatket one day, and as I was unloading my shopping and putting it in the car, I noticed this young man at least half my age with a camera phone in hand....... when he saw I had seen him..... do you think perhaps he was going to offer to help? No. 'Sorry, aint you got big tits'. I threw the rest of my shopping in my car, and I was shaking and crying.
Was cycling down an alleyway/narrow footpath when I heard running feet behind me. Something tells you. Got off my bike and had it between us when this man passed, and as I went through a gateway he had doubled back, slid his hand under my arm and grabbed my tit. I dont think he was expecting a snarling bitch to say 'You piece of shit' to start yelling 'stop that pervert' - which no one did of course - despite several mums with pushchairs and a couple of dads as it was school finish time next door. I gave chase, but lost him - I think he went behind some flats. Had I caught him, I would have pounded his head into the tarmac. Reported incident and gave description - then about ten years later, theres a man attacking and raping a schoolgirl in a churchyard and attacking other women - the schoolgirl - when they mentioned the bike, I just knew it was him. So I got out my bike, and would cycle up and down the cycle track where he had been 'doing his thing'. Here in UK we are not allowed guns, but I had a nice heavy D lock for my bike sitting handily in my bike basket - I was wishing that bastard to jump me. He got caught in the end, same bloke, serial sex attacker - day I got accosted by him the policeman said I got off lightly as he had seriously attacked a woman on a train shortly before he tried for me. It was him in the paper. If someone had stopped the pervert, one of the dads walking with their wife - several women would still have their minds intact. But. I tried to do my bit, thats all you can do.
Question thirties girl. One of the woods I go walking the dogs in there is an elderly gentleman with a lab I think, and when he passes ladies on their walks, he tips his cap and says 'good morning'. All of the dog walking ladies respond with like, pass comment on what a lovely dog he has, because its nice to be met with politeness and to return it is to encourage it, and good manners should be encouraged should they not. Besides, it makes us smile and makes us feel the world is a nicer place for a moment. To the question. How would you respond in such a situation thirties girl? Would you find it offensive? Infringing on your personal space? Would you turn your head and shun him?
Baraka, you are right in your joke - introductions used to be made, and a friend introducing you to another friend of their circle, its sort of like a reference in a way, so yes it was easier to believe you were safer than meeting total strangers - just like you would introduce a friend to a good garage that you found charges very fairly and does good work - its better to be introduced than to look through the telephone book.
Poetry, it has rather taken a life of its own this thread - just like a discussion over beer and around a table in the pub would go. You could turn the clock back a couple of hundred years, have no electricity etc, and still, when the ladies got up to go to the privy in pairs, as is often their want, they would still be chatting on the same topic, men and their intentions, what gentlemen or pigs individual men were/are - I think its long been a mating selection game for want of a more proper description - but its like, you just might not be in the mood for or want a roast dinner, having one shoved in your face doesnt make you want it, you already know you dont - might get the urge for a ploughmans later, never know, but you just dont fancy a roast.
A lady, I was told in my youth, should be treated like a lady - until she proves herself to be otherwise.