I've got another side of this coin, more fucked up stories about my sex life.
First off, the rape thing. Rape is a serious subject and I do not mean to trivialize women who have been the victims of rape.
That said, the whole "all men are rapists" thing pisses me off to no extent, because it can be abused. I know, I was dubbed a "rapist" in college for a short period of time.
Story time: A hostess at the restaurant I worked at was at a party I was at. We had a few drinks and smoked some weed, then she precedes to pull me into a side room and make out with me. We mess around and she says she doesn't want to do it here, but somewhere else. I say I'm to buzzed to drive back to my apt (I was planning on crashing on the couch at said house) and we plan for another time.
Next day at work... I'm a rapist. Seems hostess girl's BF heard about her going off into a room with another guy (she never told me she had a BF). Her response? I forced her into that room and tried to have sex with her against her will. This got around the restaurant and I had went from "guy fooling around with the hot freshman" to "that motherfucking rapist". I was pulled aside by my manager and was asked about it, I told him what went on and actually had a witness to backup my story. Two female friends of mine saw her pull me into the room and watched us leave the room talking. I called them up and had them come talk to the GM.
They grabbed the hostess and took her out back. After 15 minutes of getting integrated by them, her story changed. They got her to admit to the GM about it and spread the truth around the restaurant. She quit and I never saw her again.
In order to save face with her BF, she was going to label me a rapist. This story would have worked if I wouldn't had my witnesses to back me up. I would have been found guilty and there would have been nothing I could have done to prevent it. I most likely would have gotten my ass kicked (apparently her BF was huge) and I could have been arrested for this (as her friends were counselling her to do). This seriously could have ruined my life at that point and the long term effects could have been huge (labeled as a sex offender, ect).
Now, I've had girls lie and say they never slept with me to save face (I couldn't count how many times this happened), but this was fucking ridiculous. I've heard about events like this, but I never thought a human being would stoop this low to save face.
In the end it just added to my list of reasons I hate humanity and raised the level of bitterness I hold towards the female species.
tl;dr Fooled around with a girl, she got caught, labeled me a rapist to save face. She would have gotten away with it because of the "all men are rapists" attitude.
I also have a comment on the social aspect of flirting, but my fucking hand hurts and I am going to wait til later to type it out.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich
Last edited by LordEden; 07-16-2011 at 01:22 PM..
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