Makes you wonder just how far we have not come doesnt it. A Child victim - its not like its the first time a pack of ferals destroy a kid - I remember a handicapped girl the rapists were lining up for in the news too soon ago. I doubt even Murdochs lot would have villified a child victim in this manner. I feel so sorry for the kid, not only is she living through this, she is going to grow up knowing what was said in the press - internet holds such stuff doesnt it.
Line em up, chop their dicks off with pinking sheers and send them in to prison to 'make new and unusual friends' - heck, throw in a make over so they go in looking prettier. Is it a case of 'its a poor town - and none could afford a willing prostitute'.
I get these things I might like to sign sometimes, and sometimes I think others might like to do the same - hence the post.