Although I've never had a face book, I can understand what the OP is getting at.
I've see a lot of the equivalent real life behavior and it does give me the squirts. But hey, I also see a hell of a lot women respond to it positively.
I think if you're going to contact someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, you owe more to them and yourself than just 'nice pics'. The OP is right, it shows that they don't give a shit. And keeping in mind this is from a guys point of view, but if people display to me they don't give a shit, then the feeling is quite quickly reciprocated and thus mutual. I just can't be fucked with social fluff in my life.
I can imagine the frustration, but I don't think it's terribly hard to see it for what it is, just guys being lazy dicks, and it shouldn't have to paint a bad picture of all men.
There's an outspoken Aussie lass who is my kind of feminist who is actively trying to get men on her side, and doing quite well at it. Because she believes, at the end of the day, women need men and men need women, the goal of feminism should be to unite the two with a healthy mutual understanding of eachother.
Any how much of this is just me waffling on.
You are not a slave