Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
...Okay, now solutions!
I'll toss out a few:
- Men should always act with the understanding that everything they do can be construed as having perverted, aggressive, or otherwise miscreant intentions.
Let me amend this to read, "men should always act with the understanding that everything they do can be construed as they might potentially sexually assault a woman, especially a woman who doesn't know them well, or at all."
If we don't know you, we have no idea what you're capable of. Even if we
do know you well, we still don't always know what you're capable of. One out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. One out of 6. Even if a woman doesn't know the statistics, she knows that she doesn't want to be raped, and she also knows that she doesn't know you... at least not well enough. When you're thinking about approaching a woman, especially a woman you don't know well, you might want to put yourself in her shoes, think about how you might appear to her, and double-think your approach.
Here's some food for thought:
Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger?s Rapist: or a guy?s guide to approaching strange women without being maced Shapely Prose
Forgive me for going off topic, since the original post is really about how guys approach women on social media sites, but I think this plays into so many guys' complaints about women who assert themselves and say, hey, it's not ok to approach me in this way.