is the dead grass in the front in patches? or just dried out from not watering? If it is patches, then maybe you have grubs. These are the larvae of beetles like june bugs or Japanese Staghorns - they munch on the roots of grass killing it. Another sign is if patches of grass is torn or rolled up. Usually done by racoons digging for the grubs. They like them as much as we like shrimp.
The way to get rid of grub now (since as you said we can't use pesticides anymore) is to buy nemotodes from a garden centre. These are little worms that munch away on the grubs. It's the circle of life working for you.
I haven't found these nemotodes to be effective at all. Usually I encourage the racoons to forage, or the robins to peck away, and subsquently repair the grass after they are done.
As GG says, we live in a big country, so you may have different climatic issues than I do. But crab grass etc are still weeds, and I usually hand pull them, then overseed my lawn. Just about everything GG says applies. But there is a danger with over-watering your lawn. This promotes shallow root growth and may prevent the grass from becoming hardy enough to survive a long dry spell.
By the way, what is a PR?
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr