Originally Posted by DB750
I was actually about to ask if this was for people actually on Weight Watchers. I like the idea behind the thread. I think accountability will help me to get to the gym. Personally I'm not so concerned with the number on the scale as I am with my health and appearance (yeah I'm a little bit shallow).
Right now I'm 214lbs and I'd like to be 195ish if I had to pick a goal weight.
If you have health issues due to your weight and you want to become more active to take care of it, that's great. But keep in mind: you can't judge someone's health based on their appearance. Unless they've specifically told you that they have health issues, you have no way of knowing. Judging someone's health based on their appearance is kind of like judging the size of someone's bank account by the clothes on their back or the car they drive. You don't know until you ask. And if you haven't asked, don't assume.