i'm a very similar case. i'm very quick to pick something up and become quite skilled at it, but i never focus in on something long enough to become really successful.
i just turned 37 and i feel like the heats really on to get a career path going. after bouncing around at jobs i taught myself a little networking and computer stuff and landed a part time job at a mechanic shop running their parts database and computer network. i've been here a few years now and i barely survive, but i don't think any more will come of this than it currently is.
i ended up deciding to get further into I.T. stuff and am working on a couple certifications... from there i've narrowed it down to getting into either systems administrator stuff or more networking stuff.
the key for me is getting over the fear of being stuck if i choose something or that i wasted time on something if it doesn't work out for me as a path. i've done this by figuring that i haven't gotten very far without a path so i might as well get on one for awhile.
still, it doesn't come nearly as easy as actually learning about the material. good luck.
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.