Its really interesting how the internet has changed the dynamic of this.
It was NOT corporations who lead this, not was it politicians. Even the week before it broke, Labour MPs were being briefed "dont take on News Int'l, they are too powerful, its not worth the fight"
It was who took them on, lead the campaign that targeted one big advertiser after the next until they pulled out of NOTW, and lead to Digger's reaction. The final blow I believe was when the Royal British Legion ended their association with News Intl.
Its a funny old world, where charge into the ground where Ed Milliband and the so called radical politicians are afraid to fight. But then the NOTW can destroy a politican, they would never dare take on the mothers of Britain.
And what really makes you wonder is that Brooks has said "worse is to come" in this scandal
ie - worse than hacking into the phone of a murdered child and giving her parents false hope she could be alive. Worse than bribing the police to get the mobile numbers of the parents of murdered kids also. Worse than hacking the phones of the parents of dead soldiers. Worse than hacking the phones of civilians maimed by a terrorist attack...
You shudder to think of these worse things.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas