Originally Posted by Plan9
Poetry, you're so deeply submersed in the sex thing (you talk about sex like I talk about firearms) that you fail to recognize the importance of the "average female consumer" here in this discussion. This thread isn't a personal attack on you or talking about how horrible it is that women enjoy hardcore sex (those fiends!). I was under the impression that this is a discussion about the current status of hardcore porn as it applies to all women, not the insatiable sex machine called Poetry from TFP. I guess my initial point is that this was more of an academic exercise and not group therapy.
You've been on porn shoots, you've screwed/been in love with porn directors; of course you're not objective. You're not the social norm. BFD.
I find it interesting that your response brought up my personal preferences more than my own post on the topic did. Bringing to this discussion the other thread about my personal life and current situation was completely unneeded and off topic.
But since you've chosen to address it, I am aware that I am outside of the norm. I know I don't represent the average female consumer. My argument referenced
once my own personal preferences, and that was more for humor than for the sake of argument. I know it doesn't count. It never does, and I accept that.
As for my text block to Remy, that was in response to one of his statements not on this topic that irritated me to the point of going off-thread to response with my own (gasp) antecdotal evidence.
It isn't sexist to say that "most women" prefer "less hardcore" porn if it is an actual statistic or reflects a sentiment revealed through some type of formal research.
I do agree with this. However, (1) I'm waited for a unflawed, well performed study to come out and (2) it does not make the belief that softcore porn is for women any less sexist.
But I realize that I should probably define my use of sexism, so I'll snag it from dictionary.com:
attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles.
It is sexist to assume that softcore porn is for women, or that women prefer softcore porn. It is making a judgement call on a person's sexual preferences based on their sex.
From my own experience (I know, please forgive me for presenting antecdotal evidence), the average male reacts with shock and, occasionally, disgust or arousal if I mention my porn preference. It's does not conform to the stereotype and makes me an object of interest or distaste.
And, while TFP has a number of wonderful males like Lord Eden who enjoy softcore and amateur porn for the emotional and vaguely realistic aspects of it, the average male in the "real world" would have his sexuality questioned or simply be thought of as less masculine for admitting that.
Which is also sexist. It bites both ways. I don't appreciate either of them.
I guess my point here is that sex shouldn't be masturbating using another person's body unless its strictly masturbation (hence porn).
Unless it is agreed on by both parties that that situation is what they want. Which is an entirely different discussion on personal sexual activities, not porn, so I'm not going to start.
Is it, now? That's funny. I didn't get a lick of hand-me-down viewpoint from anybody. ... If I feel like I'm degrading a woman with something I've received no instructions on... oh, blast! It's those damn social norms, again!
You sure do bring up your own sexual activities a lot for a discussion about porn preferences.
When I was talking about hand-me-down viewpoints about the degradation of women, I was talking about women who have sex on camera for money. I should have made that clearer and I apologize.
But if you think that you have so hand-me-down viewpoints from your parents, your friends (who get theirs from their parents), the media, or your church (if you do the church thing), you'd be wrong. Yes, it's social norms, but they are
social. They do not have to be your personal norms.
As far as I can tell, if a woman gets into sex, takes it in the ass, likes a load on her face or, god forbid, does this on camera, she's allowing herself to be degraded.
What, exactly, took away her value? Where did that value orginate from? If she repents and joins a church, will her value return? Why does taking away that supposed "value" in bed turn some men on? If they enjoy what they are doing and respect themselves, then why is it degradation?
Lord Eden,
Thanks for pulling up that XKCD strip, I completely missed it and it is completely on topic.
I know it's about the bridesmaids thing, and I understand that some women may prefer it... it's just the way he wrote it sounded so creepy.
And, yes, people who cheat are going to cheat. It doesn't matter how high their sex drive is, it's their integrity that is the deciding point. However, people keep insisting that a high sex drive is more important. That belief annoys me to no end.