Originally Posted by MSD
I'm going to be unbelievably disappointed it you don't elaborate. The only thing I've heard of that can cause significant permanent loss of height like that is degeneration of spinal connective tissue caused by either a degenerative disease or sudden compression due to ejecting from an airplane ( source because I didn't believe it until I read that.)
The quadruple-Y thing is even more far-fetched. It's my understanding that XYY often goes without symptoms, but YYYY? That's a rare genetic defect that I think almost invariably leads to severe mental retardation.
(Wow...this in a panty thread?)
I should probably participate: I'd probably do it if it were a real turn on. I've never done it. Though I have dressed in drag and roleplayed as a woman named Nadia.
I suppose I mean to say that, yes, I'm experimental when I'm not repressed (i.e. rarely). I'm also comfortable in my masculinity. I'm pretty sure I'm solidly XY.