Its a touchy subject I suppose.
I can see why most pornography that is MADE seems more demeaning/objectifying to women than to men, because a lot of it is made as a kind of incarnation of that fantasy... but pornography in itself is as demeaning to men as it is to women in general terms.
I'm not sure if I am comfortable to talk about this, and I could just as easily just make the point and not mention it.
But... in the first year after I left college I actually was involved in this kind of thing quite deeply (not as an actor before you get any horrible ideas). I still feel guilty about it, and I think perhaps my fairly strong desire to the "white knight" is perhaps a reaction to those feelings.
I am not talking about revolting or violent stuff, but still... I think it is mostly unhealthy and unhappy and emotionally damaging for almost everyone involved in the making of it. That doesnt mean I am not a hypocrite and still sometimes view pornography...
Can women enjoy watching something that portrays them as an object to be fucked?
Perhaps... but I think it is more a case that the idea of it can be exciting and escapist rather than the fact or even actual portrayal of it. I think most "ordinary" women I know find the idea or imagining pornography more interesting than the actual fact of it. Then again I am not a woman...
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas