Originally Posted by Shadowex3
Had the same problem with virtually all games after the Halo Fratbrahs took over. Have you tried forcing the field of view to be much wider? By default even Valve sets it at 75 or lower nowadays, many console-centric games are as low as 65, and old PC games used to be standardized at 90. Fixing that alone and disabling bloom has helped a lot of people completely eliminate motion sickness from playing.
Hmmm...interesting. To be honest, I wasn't too upset about it until Portal came out, but I'll have to give it a shot.
I love reading everyone's lists! Some more for me:
10. I love going to concerts, but I very much dislike hearing live versions of songs on the radio.
11. I like lima beans.
12. When I'm drunk, I have a very pronounced southern drawl. I also pick it up subconsciously when I'm around people with a drawl. It's not a problem now that I live in NC, but I had to be really careful when I lived in Ohio, as travelers thought I was making fun of them.
13. I still throw Buffy quotes into everyday conversation, even though the show ended eight years ago.
14. I like my pizza really doughy. When I worked at a pizza place, the cooks would half-cook it for me