Originally Posted by Willravel
Any fun examples?
Sure. At work, people are less than tech savvy in my department. However, they typically "decide" that they have the right answer to a problem. And will give a blanket response to everyone. Today, I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to explain an issue we were having to my boss. She kept insisting that she she was right that I purposefully took the discussion exceptionally high over her head to get her to shut up and get us a meeting with the IT department. And, I did it in front of a select few other people so that she wouldn't be able to "blame" me, which she does quite often.
I will call out people who make almost any kind of blanket negative statement about a group of people, a profession, etc. and not
force per se, but require an open explanation of
why they feel that way if they choose to continue conversing with me. If they've got a point, so be it. If not, typically they're quite embarrassed. "Oh, I see... so every ______ person you've come across does ______?" I try not to be outright rude in social situations, but I will bring it up later if it bothers me enough. I work with people who have a number of disabilities, and damn skippy part of my point in life is to educate people and stand up for the ones who can't for themselves or aren't present to defend or represent themselves.
And I totally fuck with my coworkers. There's a Quote Wall.
For the stupid things people say.
And believe me... they know immediately by the look on my face or the self-realization what is going up on that wall. But, overall, it's made them think before speaking... most of the time.