I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty one.
The tendons in my fingers and toes do not reach to the end joints so while they bend, I cannot bend them. As a consequence the joints at the tips have no definition. No wrinkles.
My right ear is inside out. Sort of. (just the fleshy bit.). It's genetic. My twin brother has it too and i have passed it on to my middle son.
I can't drive.
I also cannot see in proper 3d. Although my glasses correct it, I don't like wearing them.
I have Meares-Irlen syndrome.
I am dyslexic. Probably dyspraxic as I am one of the most accident prone clumsy people I know.
Girls in school and college never wanted to go out with me. Hence the late loss of my v plates. Despite the fact I look like Matthew Fox. Actually my wife says I'm better looking but she wouldn't kick him out of bed.
In my family, in my generation, I'm the only male to have produced sons. No pressure then.