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Old 06-17-2003, 06:07 PM   #2 (permalink)
Oh, and some other interesting Dutch-American facts:

- Brooklyn comes from the Dutch town of Breukelen
- The Dollar comes from the Dutch coin the 'Daalder'
- The Hudson river was named after the Captian of a Dutch vessel
- New York was first called New Amsterdam, but then the British traded it with the Dutch for Surinam, and they changed it to New York
- Harlem comes from the Dutch town of Haarlem
- Vancouver (both the Canadian and American city) comes from a man called Van Coever
- The Pennsylvania Dutch are not Dutch. They were German (Deutsch)!
- There are 28 cities and villages in the States that are called Holland
- Rhode Island means Red Island, which comes from the Dutch word of Rood
- Wall Street comes from Waal Straat, when the Dutch still owned New York
- Santa Claus would not of existed if it wasn't for the Dutch Sinterklaas

(Didn't know that ay! )
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