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Old 06-23-2011, 05:13 AM   #367 (permalink)
Greetings , I , the newcomer, to TFProject

Hello Everyone,

My name is Mary Ann, lots of time I get ribbed about the marijuana discussion.
Starting off with a positive attitude about making this forum one of my very favorites, I must give applaude to the creators of this site, the format is actually extensiously well thought out and gleaned in such a way as the readers and participants will be open to private or public opinion.

Today, the subject of marijuana resurfaces, certainly if anyone had read the Books of Genesis and Exodus, thusly the seeds of the herbals were planted in t he greenery make up done by our God in the laying out of the Earth's greeneries., certainly marijuana, coca leaves, opiom and many others were grown in the Earth of Gods perfect time and order., we as subhuman types think we can fashion a slavic like punishment on the users of these herbs.

I have been a herbal user since age 19, smoking herb, marijuana, cocoa, thc, even mescaline or peyotes, however, later studing the effect on t he brain's neurofunctions, have never ever been physically ill from anything, until around 59. So for over 40 years proof, the drugs do not harm and should be an acceptable social act, can reverse the criminalization act. The press and media are the only holdout on the way things have gone. When your medial gets involved in psychomotor, sonomatic, blastodic impulses on a person, place or thing who consumes, then it is the media or press that needs to have it's priorities set in a different capacity. I have and hold a degree in Psychology which includes mental health and drug therapeutic techniques in relegation to human behavior, I found that again racism , jealousy, envy and stupidity are the reasons to have one's civil rights to life, liberty and pursuit happiness turned into a graveyard, not a melting pot of drug users, their sponsors, their dealers, their own personal freedom of interpretation ....are quietely being beseiged by non patriotic individuals who spread nothing but
garbage and imprisonment for something that is God given and US Constitutionally sound. Let's stopfooling ourselves, It is anarchy to hold prisoners in this world for simple drug use. I personally do not like the taste of alcohol. So I believe conclusively they should be unquestionably legal.
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