Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
List the things about you that are odd (or that you perceive as odd).
What about you is different from the mainstream, your peers, or simply those around you?
- I've never owned a car, and I've rarely driven one; I only recently got my driver's licence and I'm well into my thirties.
- I rarely watch TV, and have done so since I was a teenager.
- I'll eat just about anything. There are few things I won't eat, even if it's cheap/crappy. The only time I complain in a restaurant is if I didn't get something and I really wanted it.
- It's nearly impossible for me to get bored; being bored is a state that's foreign to me.
- I didn't lose my virginity until I was in my twenties.
- I was married and divorced by my mid-twenties.
- I have both a college diploma (business) and a university degree (liberal arts) but earn a salary that would barely place me in the middle class.
- I have five siblings.
- I don't get out much; I interact with very few people week to week.
We can be so different and yet so alike.
1) I love to drive. I take long cross country road trips because I absolutely hate to fly. I've driven since I was 15 (farm to school permit

2) I rarely watch TV. Sometimes it stays off for a week or more.
3) I don't eat rice, potatoes, or anything made with white flour or high fructose corn syrup. I've followed a high fat low-carb ketogenic diet for over five years.
4) It's nearly impossible for me to get bored. Boredom is as foreign to me as Albania or Zanzibar.
5) I lost my virginity on my fifteenth birthday.
6) I was married and divorced by my mid-twenties.
7) I'm a numbers nerd to the point of being OCD about measuring and counting things.
8) I wear a size 32d bra, definitely different from my peers.

9) I can't pass up a pun or word play. I bought my last couple of 32d bras (which can be hard to find) at the Nordstrom Rack store

, which I thought was hilarious.

10) I'm strongly introverted with people I don't know, especially small groups of strangers.
In spite of all that, I have gotten to really like myself. The only thing I'd really like to change about myself... I would like to be... taller.