Originally Posted by aceventura3
I assume what is meant by consumption is consumer driven demand creating wealth. On an individual level, planting a garden and canning the surplus can create wealth. And again, it can allow for resources to be allocated in other ways improving an individual's standard of living. Multiply that by the people in a community and you can get larger macro-economic results. The yield from a garden can be a function of rain and not a function of labor or capital.
The garden isn't going to plant itself, nor will it irrigate itself if there isn't enough rain, nor will it take care of its own pests beyond its existing evolutionary mechanisms, nor will it harvest itself, nor will it store the harvest adequately to prolong its shelf life. This requires labour. Though, as far as those tomato plants are concerned, it's not like they require some guy to sit beside them and turn a crank to get them to grow. So it's a bit from column A and a bit from column B: the creation of this wealth is dependent on land and labour.
Unless the garden magically was already there, it likely required capital expenditures to make it happen.
Are these tomatoes going to be let to rot, or is someone planning on consuming them?
Here's a cheat sheet for you, ace:
The Four Factors of Production:- Capital
- Labour
- Land
- Organization
My point is and has been to free those who have the ability to create real wealth and let them do it. Government rarely has the ability to create real wealth directly, governments tend to re-distribute wealth once beyond government doing what it is most efficient at doing..
And this is where you lose me. You want to free whom from what, exactly? What the fuck does
real mean anyway? Are you talking about the kind of thing that went down during the time of the robber barons?
---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------
Originally Posted by roachboy
in what is no doubt a dionysian frenzy of abject subordination of neo-liberal orthodoxy, ace will no doubt argue that wealth is sui generis, a magic outcome of the pure movement of capital like worms spring from cheese.
Oh, I wouldn't go that far. I just wish he'd be more upfront about things. It would be much easier if he'd just come out and say, "Since I'm a libertarian, I think taxing beyond military and infrastructure is a waste of taxpayers' money. These Germans are making a mistake. They should eliminate all these social programs, drop the tax rate to the minimum required to fund the aforementioned items, and then stand back and let the country prosper. Only then will they see real wealth creation."