Originally Posted by dc_dux
Why do I get the sense that the economic theory of Milton Friedman is the divine word in ace world and that any other economic theory is unacceptable or even subject to discussion.
Does that devotion to Friedman approach cult status?
Over the past few days I have been studying some of the works of Fredric Nietzche (he was been interpreted incorrectly in many instances and in one circumstance in particular that is of no relevance here), and in one area I found myself in strong agreement, was when he talked about the two distinct branches of human thought and behavior. He pretty much explained why DC (along with others here) and I will never agree on any broad based political or economic issues.
It is clear from my avatar and the quotes in my sig, what my point of view stems from. People of a different ilk ascribe inappropriate meanings to my thoughts, desires and behaviors.
For people who can get beyond some of the obvious problems with Nietzche, give him a read.
---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------
Originally Posted by roachboy
but despite the lack of grasp of basic critical thinking skills and information, ace nonetheless equates himself with charlie parker.
I am pretty sure I was not comparing myself to Charlie Parker. Re-read what was written and you will find I was making the point of trying to explain Charlie Parker.
---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Yeah, I suppose this indicates an unfortunate entrenchment.
I am entrench in my point of view, are you entrenched in yours? I am willing to let my point of views be challenged, are you? I try to explain what I am entrenched in and why, do you? Is being entrenched an inherent bad thing in your mind?