I saw Sir Terry Pratchetts documentary on assisted suicide on monday - its the first time the BBC has shown the peacefull ending that those who travel to dignitas are unable to have in their home countries. I know what my own wishes would be given certain circumstances. I guess a lot of us may think 'if I was a cabbage with no hope of coming back'.... One interesting fact Terry Pratchett found out. Even if you make the decision 'in the event of' prior to losing your faculties, the fact that you have lost your faculties means you can no longer agree with competency, and they can not help you because that would be murder. You can have no release if you wait too long with illnesses like dementia.
Do you think assisted suicide should be a bit like being caught with just a small spliff in your posession - worthy of a telling off but not serious enough to make you a criminal?
We consider it a kindness to our pets, sparing them a last few days or weeks of suffering. Are we less compassionate to people who are suffering and who wish to take the final exit?
Heres a clip for your consideration -