The chop looks great, though it seems to me that it would be easier to conceal something with an extra inch of frame than it would be to conceal an extra inch of barrel - even if you're rocking it IWB. Any issues?
Originally Posted by citadel
A 26 is a lot easier to conceal than the 19. It's similar in size to a J frame, only blockier. Trying before buying to make sure you can conceal it is probably a good idea with that too though. What holster/belt combo do you use for CCW?
Dude, you've got to be hungrier than a boatload of Haitians if you can't conceal a G19.
Check out FIST, Inc kydex holsters. Much thinner and stronger than leather with no deformation. FWIW, I have rocked them at work and play and have been 100% satisfied. I'm a big dude, though I have no problems concealing a G26, 19,17,20, M9. Will post pics of when I sober up and remember this post.